the editors

JUAN CARLOS REYES has published the novella A Summer's Lynching (Quarterly West) and the fiction chapbook Elements of a Bystander (Arcadia Press). His stories, poems and essays have appeared in Waccamaw Journal, Florida Review, and Hawai’i Review, among others. He was the recipient of a Washington State Artist Trust Fiction Storyteller Grant in 2018, and he is currently an Assistant Professor of creative writing at Seattle University. You can find him at www.jcreyes.net.

Fiction Editor
MICHELLE MEYERS' writing has been published by Juked, decomP, The Adroit Journal, Split Lip Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times, among others. In addition, she has received awards and honors from Ploughshares, Glimmer Train, and Wigleaf. Meyers was a 2015 PEN Center Emerging Voices Fellow in Fiction and is a graduate of the University of Alabama’s Creative Writing program. Her debut novel, Glass Shatters, was published in April 2016 by She Writes Press and selected as an Editor’s Pick in Literary Fiction by Foreword Reviews and a Finalist in Literary Fiction by the USA Best Book Awards. She currently resides in her hometown of Los Angeles, CA and is working on a collection of short stories and a second novel.

JESSICA HOLLANDER is the author of the story collection In These Times the Home is a Tired Place, which won the Katherine Anne Porter Prize. She has published in many journals such as The Georgia Review, The Gettysburg Review, The Cincinnati Review, The Journal, Quarterly West, Hayden’s Ferry Review, and Sonora Review. She received her MFA from the University of Alabama and is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska in Kearney.
Fiction Editor

Fiction Editor
A. RAFAEL JOHNSON holds an MFA from The University of Alabama Creative Writing program and has previously served as a fiction editor for Black Warrior Review and Fairy Tale Review. He has taught in post-conflict Liberia as part of USAID-funded reconstruction efforts; and old notes from his life there eventually became the voices of Ben, Adrian, Free Cookie, and other characters in his novel The Through (Jaded Ibis Press, 2017). He was named a Kimbilio Fellow in African American Fiction in 2014, and he currently teaches at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. He lives in the Twin Cities where he co-owns the consulting firm TerraLuna Collaborative.

Essays Editor
BRIAN OLIU is originally from New Jersey and currently lives and teaches in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He is the author of two chapbooks and four full-length collections, most recently the lyric-memoir i/o (Civil Coping Mechanisms), and Enter Your Initials For Record Keeping (Cobalt Press), a collection of essays on NBA Jam. Recent essays on topics ranging from long distance running to professional wrestling appear in The Collagist, Catapult, The Rumpus, Runner's World, Unruly Bodies, and elsewhere.

Founding Editor
HEATHER JACOBS’ is the founder of Big Fiction Magazine. Her work has appeared in The Lumberyard, Fugue, Fifth Wednesday Journal, Spartan, Moss, and elsewhere. She has received a Grant for Artist Projects from Artist Trust, and residencies from the Kentucky Foundation for Women and Can Serrat in El Bruc, Spain. She lives with her husband and son in Seattle, where she is currently at work on all sorts of prose, including a novella and a novel. Read her Founder's Q & A with Big Fiction's new Chief Editors, Juan Carlos Reyes.
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